Tank container - top view
Manhole - closed
Manhole - open
The - "consciously torn off" - seal in the manhole basically is replaced prior
to re-use by the next customer, as they can still be contaminated with product residues
of the previous rented !
Standard bottom outlet (bottom discharge) - a 3" BSP connection is standard
(can be connected with corresponding adapters and/or couplings)
Standard bottom outlet (bottom discharge) - a 3" BSP connection is standard
(can be connected with corresponding adapters and/or couplings)
Standard bottom outlet (bottom discharge) - a 3" BSP connection is standard
(can be connected with corresponding adapters and/or couplings)
Manhole provided with metric screws - top view
Top right shows a safety valve, underneath is a connection
for a second additional safety valve locked with a blind flange
Manhole provided with 8 tommy screws
Top view left shows the safety valve and bursting disk
Standard connection for steam heating (the inlet is shown on the left and the outlet on the right)
Standard connection for steam heating
Air valve (left) and an additional aperture provided with a blind flange, in order to install a top discharge
Temperature indictor / Thermometer
Tank container - Inside view
Schematic assembly in the tank container